Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy



This Privacy and Cookies Policy  regulates the processing of personal data of users (hereinafter “ User ” or “ Users ”), collected within the scope of the use of the website (hereinafter “ Site ”), as the entity responsible for processing.

Ready2drive seeks to ensure respect for the privacy of its customers and compliance with applicable legal obligations in this matter Thus, Ready2drive guarantees the Users of this Site respect for your privacy, adopting the necessary measures to protect your personal data.

The provision of personal data implies knowledge and acceptance of the conditions contained in this Privacy and Cookies Policy.

In the points identified below, you can find detailed information regarding Ready2drive‘s Privacy and Cookies Policy:


1. Collection and Processing of Personal Data  

Accessing and using the Site does not imply the provision of personal data by the User.

However, in order to access and use certain features of the Site , namely to:

– make vehicle reservations;

– get in touch with us through our chat or by filling in the contact form;

– submit unsolicited applications, reservations and leave your message.

the User must provide some of his personal data.

Ready2drive is responsible for collecting and processing the personal data of Website Users, under  the terms and for the purposes indicated in the applicable personal data protection legislation.

Such data will be processed by Ready2drive to reserve vehicles, manage your requests for contacts and clarifications and continue with the recruitment process. The data collected is essential for the pursuit of the aforementioned purposes, so all required data must be provided, otherwise it will not be possible to follow up on your reservation, provide clarifications and request for contact or your application.

With the User’s consent, the respective data may also be processed for the purposes of sending promotional and marketing communications .


2. User Rights

Under the terms of the applicable legislation, the User is guaranteed, at all times, the right to obtain from Ready2drive confirmation of the personal data that are being processed, access to the personal data concerning him, as well as his rectification, elimination and limitation of your treatment, the portability of your data or oppose the processing of your data, if the legally established conditions are verified.

The User’s rights under the applicable legislation in the field of data protection consist of:

Holder's Rights
Right of AccessRight to obtain confirmation whether your data is being processed, information about which of your personal data are being processed, as well as obtain a copy of your personal data being processed.

The right of access is without prejudice to the rights and freedoms of others, including trade secrets or intellectual property.
Right of RectificationRight to request rectification of your personal data that are inaccurate or request that incomplete personal data be completed.
Right to ErasureRight to have your personal data erased.

Such right will not apply when the processing of data is necessary for the fulfillment of a legal obligation to which Turisprime is subject.
Right to Limitation of TreatmentRight to request the limitation of the processing of your personal data, requesting the suspension of the treatment or the limitation of the scope of the treatment to certain categories of data or purposes of treatment.
Right to PortabilityRight to receive the data you provided to Turisprime in a commonly used and machine-readable digital format or request the direct transmission of your data to another entity that becomes the new person responsible for your personal data, if the processing of your data is intended basis of your consent or the performance of a contract.
Right to OppositionRight to object to data processing, such as in the case of data processing for the purpose of sending marketing communications based on Turisprime's legitimate interests.
Right to Withdraw ConsentRight to withdraw consent for the processing of data whenever the processing is carried out based on consent, not invalidating, however, the processing carried out up to that date based on the previously given consent.

In order to exercise any of the aforementioned rights, the User must submit a written request to the following contacts:

Phone: +351 210 410 377


Address: Avenida Severiano Falcão, 9 2685-379 Prior Velho

The provision is applicable, with the necessary adaptations, to the exercise of rights, by the holder of parental responsibilities or guardian, in the name and on behalf of data subjects who are under 16 years of age or incapable.


3. Conservation of personal data

Personal data will be kept in accordance with the respective purposes and in compliance with the applicable legal deadlines. Thus, and whenever there is no specific legal requirement, the data will be stored and kept only for the appropriate period and to the extent necessary for the scope of the purposes for which they were collected, except if the right to opposition, right to erasure or if you withdraw consent.

In the event of a pending dispute, the data may be kept for up to six months after the final judgment has passed.


4. Data sharing

Ready2drive may transmit your data to subcontracted entities for the aforementioned purposes, under the terms of the contracts entered into with them .

User data may also be communicated to third parties when the transmission is carried out in compliance with a legal obligation, a decision by the National Data Protection Commission or another relevant supervisory entity, or a court order, as well as when the communication is carried out to protect the vital interests of Users or any other legitimate purpose of Ready2drive or third parties provided for by law.


5. Security Measures

Ready2drive makes its best efforts to protect Users’ personal data against unauthorized access. For this purpose, it uses security systems, rules and other procedures, in order to guarantee the protection of personal data, as well as to prevent unauthorized access to data, improper use, disclosure, loss or destruction.

It is, however, the Users responsibility to guarantee and ensure that the devices and equipment used to access the Site  are adequately protected against harmful software , computer viruses and worms .

Additionally, the User must be aware that, without the adoption of adequate security measures (for example, the safe configuration of the navigation program, updated antivirus software , security  barrier software and the non-use of software  of dubious origin), the The risk of personal data and passwords  being accessed by third parties without authorization is increased.  

It should also be noted that, whenever data collection is carried out on open networks, such as the Internet, your data may circulate without security conditions, with the risk of being seen and used by unauthorized third parties.


6. Cookie Policy

When accessing the Site , small files called cookies  or connection testimonials may be installed on the User’s computer or mobile device . The use of cookies  is standard practice on most websites.  In order to provide its Users with a better browsing experience and update the Site  with relevant functions, Ready2drive uses cookies . 

What are cookies?

 The construction of modern websites  depends on the implementation of a set of minimum functions that allow users to meet their navigation expectations. Among others, it is expected that for a certain period of time, the websites will maintain the actions and preferences of the Users, namely their username (Username), language in which they intend to browse the Site  or other relevant settings related to the interface  of the websites . .  Cookies are small information files that are stored on the device you use to access the internet through your browser . and allow the implementation of the mentioned functionalities.  

What kind of cookies are there?

There are several types of cookies .

Considering the lifetime of cookies , these can be:

  1.  Session cookies  – these are  temporary cookies , being deleted from the cookie file  when closing the browser  or application used to access the website Through this type of cookies  it is possible to analyze traffic patterns on the web, allowing us to identify problems and provide a better browsing experience.
  2.  Permanent cookies  – differ from  session cookies as they are not deleted when closing the browser or application, remaining  stored on the User’s devices. They are used whenever a new visit to the Site is made,  allowing us, among other functions, to customize the browsing experience according to the interests of the User and to provide a more individualized service.

Considering, in turn, the domain to which they belong, cookies  can be:

  1.  Own cookies  – these are cookies  sent to the User’s device through equipment or domains managed by Ready2drive and from which the service requested by the User is provided.
  2.  Third party cookies  – these are cookies  sent to the User’s device from a device or domain managed by a third party over which Ready2drive has no control. In these cases, it is this third party that processes the data collected through cookies .

What Cookies do we use and for what purposes?

The Cookies  identified below are used on this Site: 

Type of Cookies











How to block/disable cookies?

All browsers allow the respective User to accept, refuse or delete cookies, namely by selecting the appropriate settings in the respective browser.

Please note, however, that disabling cookies  may partially or fully affect your browsing experience on the Site.

You can configure cookies  in the “options” or “preferences” menu of your browser.  Below, we indicate the various ways of deactivating cookies,  depending on your browser. 

To learn more about cookies , visit , where you can find information on how to manage your settings for the various browser providers.


7. Links to Third Party Sites

The links  on this Site may lead to other sites.  Ready2drive is not responsible for, approves or in any way supports or subscribes to the content of these sites or the sites  linked to or referred to therein.

Ready2drive is not responsible for damages resulting from viruses or harmful computer programs that  may infect the User’s computer or network, or other assets, due to access to websites  operated by third parties.

This privacy statement is only applicable to the information collected on the Ready2drive website .


8. Complaints

Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, the User has the right to file a complaint with the National Data Protection Commission or another competent control authority under the terms of the law, if he understands that the processing of his data by Ready2drive violates the legal regime in force at all times.


9. Questions and suggestions

The User may contact Ready2drive on all issues related to the processing of their personal data and the exercise of the rights conferred by the applicable legislation and, in particular, referred to in this Policy, through the following contacts:

Phone: +351 910 331 001


Address: Rua Vasco da Gama Nº9, 8200-294 Albufeira, Portugal


10. Changes to the Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy

Ready2drive reserves the right to change these personal data processing terms at any time These changes will be duly advertised on the Site.


Date of last update: 06/02/2024